Personal Injury Attorny California
Serious Personal Injury Attorney Los Angeles CA
Looking for a Los Angeles based California personal injury attorney or lawyer?
Viau & Kwasniewski law firm handles serious personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits throughout the state of California.
As your personal injury attorney, our Los Angeles lawyer can help you recover the full extent of your damages such as:
1. Medical expenses
2. Future medical expenses
3. Income loss
4. Future loss of income
5. Home care
6. Future home care
7. Pain & suffering6.
You Must Prove the Extend of Your Damages
In California, in order for an injured person to prevail in a personal injury action, you generally must prove the extent of your damages and that the injuries were caused by the negligence or unlawful conduct of another person or entity.
Plaintiffs who have suffered serious injuries will require competent representation by an experienced personal injury attorney in order to increase the likelihood of a successful result.
Los Angeles personal injury lawyer Gary K. Kwasniewski is experienced in this type of serious litigation and has successfully handled hundreds of personal injury cases involving very serious injuries and wrongful death.
Mr. Kwasniewski aggressively litigates these types of personal injury cases through trial and appeal in the California courts.
Claims involving serious or personal injuries are often very contentious and usually involve serious medical, technical, scientific, legal and human issues.
If you, a friend or a loved one requires the expertise of an experienced personal injury lawyer contact our Los Angeles law firm for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION.