Through aggressive litigation California products liability attorneys Viau & Kwasniewski have successfully handled hundreds of complex cases involving defective products.

Products liability attorneys deal with cases that essentially involve injury or damage caused by some form of defective product, whether it’s because of…

  • A manufacturing defect, where the product was manufactured outside of specifications
  • A design defect, or…
  • A product that contains inadequate labelling or warnings and/or fails to conform with an express or implied warranty given by the manufacturer

Products liability attorneys litigate cases that involve complex engineering, scientific, technical and medical issues such as a case involving the harmful effects of an improperly tested drug or injuries from a defective machine. In such cases representation by an experienced products liability attorney is essential.

It has been estimated that each year, of all the civil cases filed, approximately 4% require the expertise of products liability attorneys.

In general, California law allows recovery to persons injured by defective products. The products liability attorneys of Viau & Kwasniewski are experienced in dealing with corporate tactics used to defend defective products that have caused an injury.

If a manufacturer sells a product that contains a defect that causes you or a loved one injury, or if a defective product is responsible for the death of a loved one, you may have a legitimate basis to sue for damages.

For a Free Consultation, complete our online Contact Us Form, send us an email at or contact VK Lawyers
at (213) 842-8164.

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